Unfortunately, the API is temporarily out of service due to maintenance work.
However, we will be back online shortly.

Charts for the geographical midpoint of Europe

abt. 54°54′N, 25°19′E
Plane declination 30°, 1 kWp



Historic data

Chart can be any size and shape :-)

<script defer src="//api.forecast.solar/chart/history/5309117d.js?title=Historic+average+production&subtitle={place}"></script>

Minimal HTML Code example for the east charts

The defer attribute in the script tags is optional, but it must either be set for all or for none!
<-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Init functions, required once
 -- This should be placed into the head tag, always before the charts scripts
 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -->

<script defer src="https://api.forecast.solar/chart/init.js"></script>

<-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Insert script call(s) at the place where the chart will be shown
 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -->

<div style="text-align:center">
    <h3>Production estimate East today</h3>
    <-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     -- Wrap script with a DIV with dimensions to define chart size
     -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
    <div style="width:400px;height:200px">
        <-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         -- Chart scripts work best with defered loading to make sure
         -- the init script was processed
         -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
        <script defer src="https://api.forecast.solar/chart/5309117d.js"></script>

<div style="text-align:center">
    <-- Set chart title via URL parameter -->
    <div style="width:400px;height:200px">
        <script defer src="https://api.forecast.solar/chart/1/5309117d.js?title=Production estimate East tomorrow"></script>

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